All pool facility rules applied by the hire pool, also apply to Baby Swim UK customers.
All known relevant medical conditions of parent/carer & child must be disclosed to Baby Swim UK and we ask you to updated us if anything changes in the future.
Please do not bring your baby if they are unwell.
Following illness, sickness or diarrhoea your child must be clear of symptoms at least 48 hours prior to attendance at class.
Young children must wear a swim nappy or reusable nappy AND A nappy cover. Newly toilet trained children should wear a reusable swim nappy until you are fully confidence they will tell you within enough time!
All nappies must placed in the specific nappy bin provided - not the general waste bins.
Only one adult may enter the water with each baby/toddler. That adult is exclusively responsible for the safety of the baby/toddler both in the pool and the surrounding areas.
Adult swimwear must be appropriate and close fitting. Please avoid any ill fitting garments (i.e. string bikini tops). Baby Swim UK reserves the right to refuse entry into the pool without appropriate swimwear.
Baby Swim UK and venue will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury whilst on the premises. This includes misuse of equipment.
Photography is not permitted without arrangement and agreement with the Baby Swim UK instructor.
Baby Swim UK classes may use photography and video taken in lessons on our website and social media platforms for promotional purposes. Please make your class teacher aware if this does not suit you.
If practising activities/ applications learnt at Baby Swim UK outside of the class, you are are fully responsible for the activities/ applications carried out.
The teacher is in the water in all classes to help and assist both adults and child. You give permission for your child to be physically supported by the teacher.
Please change your baby on the floor - we provide changing mats. Do not use any raised areas such as benches, tables or the changing tables once baby is rolling. This is to prevent babies from rolling off, which can easily happen and is extremely distressing for all concerned.
Your booking and payment secures your child's place at a certain day and time, therefore if you wish to cancel your booking, only half the payment can be refunded.
If you miss a class, you will be offered to arrange a catch up class, on another day and time.
If you miss the arranged catch up class, you can not re-arrange it.
Two catch up classes are permitted per half term.
Applies to pre-school - Please ensure your child goes to the toilet before coming in and arrives on poolside 5 minutes before their lesson. Please stay with your child until the teacher welcomes them over to the poolside.
Applies to pre-school - Please do not leave the pool premises while your child is in their lesson. Please remain in the seating/viewing area.
Baby Swim UK is committed to providing good child safeguarding practice for all our swimmers and we have a Safeguarding Policy. A copy of which is held by Baby Swim UK while lessons commence, can be emailed and viewed on our website. Baby Swim UK's policy is one where we accept that good safeguarding is paramount for all our swimmers.
If you have a question or concern regarding child welfare, please informed your Baby Swim UK teacher as soon as possible. Alternately, there is a dedicated helpline for anyone wishing to raise a safeguarding or welfare concern directly to the NSPCC Hampshire Services on 023 8202 3400. If you think there has been a crime committed please call the police – 999.
Changes to Terms and Conditions - From time to time we may update these terms and conditions by displayed notice on the Baby Swim UK table. You are free to not accept these changes but we would ask you to notify us in writing of your non acceptance within 14 days of your receipt, failing which we will be entitled to treat our agreement with you as being subject to the updated version.
Please email: babyswimuk@gmail.com
We are happy to answer any questions you may have.